Though counseling can help with these and many other issues, the truth is that no two couples struggle with exactly the same challenges. This is because we bring our unique strengths and weaknesses with us when we form new relationships. Our fears, hopes, desires and experiences will affect the way we deal with conflicts as they arise.
Here at Star Point Counseling Center in Brandon Fl, and Tampa Fl, we follow a developmental model of therapy that aims to identify where couples are in the various stages of relationship growth. This approach helps you avoid the one-step-forward, two-steps-back pattern that doesn’t fully address what’s happening in the core of your relationship.
Instead of offering a temporary band-aid, the developmental model helps you see the basis of your differences. Working as a team, we can:
Define the hidden patterns within your relationship
Create a realistic plan that addresses what’s really happening
Foster relationship skills that will bring you closer together
Outline a plan for keeping your partnership strong over time
The good news is that change is already happening for you both. Take the next step right now by requesting your first appointment.