Money management is perhaps one of the toughest things for individuals and families to perfect in our economy today. With rates of jobs declining, and costs of necessities rising, staying out of debt is near impossible. compiled these astounding statistics on credit card debt in 2012: The total of U.S credit card debt is almost $800 billion, with an average of about $15,000 per household*. So other than a loss of tangible goods, what are some of the effects of money related stress? Well, just as other stress has negative impacts on physical health, money related issues can create the same problems but may make them worse. If you have no money, then going to the Doctor’s office or obtaining a gym membership is out of the question and therefore positive interventions are less likely to be applied. Stress from fiscal problems can also create emotional discord and interrupt family dynamics. Blame and responsibility is shifted to the “bread winner” to produce enough income to afford living expenses. Roll changes can sometimes occur where both parents are having to spend considerable amounts of time at work, leaving the children to fend for themselves. Seeing the warning signs of distress before the problems become too large is essential to saving the family unit, and preventing situational depression. This article from WebMD includes some symptoms of depression… Whether someone is having emotional difficulties due to money management, lifestyle concerns, or just feelings of being overwhelmed it is important to seek help. Counselors, psychiatrists, and psychologists are trained to help with depression and its related issues. If you or someone you know is having depression related symptoms get help today!
Star Point Counseling has two locations in Brandon and Tampa, FL. Call to make an appointment today 813-244-1251. Live the life you know you deserve!!