While there are several types of anxiety disorders in Tampa FL, and Brandon FL, they all include excessive worrying, especially in situations that are not threatening. Some anxiety conditions include:
General Anxiety Disorder (GAD) – a disorder characterized by persistent and extreme worry and anxiety in Tampa FL, and Brandon FL, about different things (such as health, money, family, or work), which causes significant distress or impairment.
Panic Attack – a sudden or abrupt surge of intense fear, sometimes including a fear of losing control, that is accompanied by physical symptoms such as accelerated heart rate, sweating, dizziness, and shortness of breath.
Panic Disorder – occurs when you have recurring and unexpected panic attacks, so that you continuously worry about having another attack; you may also change your behavior to avoid situations that you associate with panic attacks.
Social Anxiety Disorder – characterized by a severe fear of social situations, like meeting new people or eating in public, so much so that you avoid those situations and may experience panic attacks when social situations can’t be avoided.
Phobia – a fear of an object or situation that becomes a significant problem because it prevents you from participating in routine activities, causing distress or impairment.
Any of these disorders may disrupt your life, and people who struggle with anxiety in Tampa FL, and Brandon FL, sometimes also experience depression or other mental illness. The most important thing to know about anxiety disorders is that they are treatable.
What Does Anxiety Treatment Look Like? At Star Point Counseling Center in Tampa FL, and Brandon FL.
Treatment for anxiety at Star Point Counseling Center in Tampa FL, and Brandon FL often includes a combination of medication and talk therapy.
A type of therapy in Tampa FL, and Brandon FL, that’s been shown to be effective for treating anxiety is Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT), which can help you identify inaccurate or negative thinking and build skills to cope with challenging situations. Anxiety treatment may include CBT and other therapies, including mindfulness training, wellness education, peer-to-peer support, and expressive or recreational therapies.
There are several medications that may help treat anxiety, including anti-anxiety medications and antidepressants. These may be used in the short-term or long-term, depending on your needs. It’s important to note, though, that medication alone is usually not a comprehensive treatment for anxiety.
There’s Hope. There’s Help At Star Point Counseling Center in Tampa FL, and Brandon FL.
Anxiety in Tampa FL, and Brandon FL, can be a disabling condition, but it doesn’t have to be. Get help now at Star Point Counseling Center in Tampa FL, and Brandon FL.